Online Music Streaming and Smart TVs
Online music streaming has been a game changer for the music industry, offering consumers a convenient and affordable way to access a vast library of music from anywhere and anytime. With the emergence of new technologies and devices, such as smart TVs, the streaming business has grown tremendously, transforming the way we consume and enjoy music. In this blog, we will explore the past, present, and future of online music streaming and how smart TVs are shaping the industry. Past: The Evolution of Online Music Streaming Online music streaming can be traced back to the early days of the internet, where services like Napster and Limewire offered users the ability to download music files and share them with others. However, these services were plagued with copyright infringement issues, and their legality was questionable. In 2008, Spotify was launched in Sweden, offering users a legal and affordable way to stream music online. The service quickly gained popularity and expanded to other c...